QRIOとAsimoを見たところで、Don Norman のロボットに関するコラムを発見。
Robots in the Home: What Might They Do?
Moreover, the social aspects of the interaction are far more complex than the technical ones, something the technology-driven enthusiasts typically fail to recognize.
Three likely directions for the future are entertainment, home appliances, and education.
・home appliances
3つ目の educationは有望な分野。
Education is a powerful possibility. There is already a solid basis of educational devices that aid learning. Today's robots can read aloud in engaging voices. They can be cute and lovable — witness the responses to the multiple quasi-intelligent animals on the toy market. A robot could very well interact with a child, offering educational benefits as well. Why not have the robot help the child learn the alphabet, teach reading, vocabulary, pronunciation, basic arithmetic, maybe basic reasoning? Why not music and art, geography and history? And why restrict it to children? Adults can be willing and active learners.
hondaは「介護」をキーワードにしてました。だから Asimo は人間サイズ(確か一世代前のE3の発表で聞いた話)。
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Don Norman's jnd.org / user advocacy and human-centered design
June 27 - July 16 (approximate dates). In Japan at the fair. (Aichi, Japan: EXPO 2005) Dates still tentative. Obviously I will visit my many friends, and probably visit (and give talks at) many places.