3日目のレポートです。昨夜遅くまで起きてたせいで超眠くて、午後は30分風呂にはいってリフレッシュしました。入浴剤を持ってきてよかったっす。香りが癒してくれます。今日は Jeff Patton, Hugh Buyer と AgileUX シリーズを聞きました。あと、月曜日にAgileUXセッションを持っていた Todd Zaki Warfel のビデオメッセージをもらいました。彼らは、アジャイル開発にペルソナ、ユーザストーリマッピング、ペーパープロトタイピングを取り込んで4日間でiPhone Appを作っています。午後はLinda Risingに出たけど、深すぎてだめっす。Yattomさんのレポートを期待!
* Pragmatic Persona * Jeff Patton * メモ * Design Process * How do you make feature choices for software that you create? * How do you determine if they're good choices? * 会場から * ユーザと一緒に仕事 * ユーザのプロキシを持つ: マーケティングチームとか * トップダウンで新製品チームができ、マーケットを観察して決める * デザインの例 * FUBU * fubu.com * 北米、中国、日本でもはやっているらしい服のデザインブランド * スモールチームでプロダクトを作ると、バイアスがかかる。 * FMBY * Building models of your users gives your team a common design target * A pragmatic persona * 簡単に書いたペルソナ * 議論のスタートに * ペルソナ: Don Norman, David Hussman * 会場の人もペルソナを作ってみよう!(説明資料を配る) * Consider a simple iPhone app to find a restaurant * You're the product owner for a new company that want's to creae an iPhone aplication for finding restaurants * What kinds of people will use your application? * user types: 人々の分類 * user role: 製品との関わり * Mike Cohn の 昨日のセッション * 人ごとにニーズが違い、それをストーリーにする * 5分でペルソナを作れ分類5分、議論5分、名前付け5分 * 同じテーブルの Brian (Walt Disney Animation Studio) が案を出した * out of town conference visitor * vacationer * frequent restaurant trier * Prioritizing user types is important * For typical system, expect 2 or 3 focal users * Profiling adds general information to user types * computer skills .. * pains and goals * what make them happy/mad? * about the activity they're using your product for * General responsibilities or activities * Usage contexts * Frequency of use * Collaborators or other participants * Software or tool ecosystem: what other products do they use for this activity, or generally? * Personifying chooses specific information to create a tangible example * Include in persona * Name * A role or job title * Minimal relevant demographics * Descriptions that describe primary activities this usertipe will * Descriptions that reveal charactristics that affect product usage * Description that reveal goals, motivations, pain points * Quotes in the persona's language expressing goal or pains * Alan Cooper: www.cooper.com/jornal/personas * SO what? - What is the design impact that makes your persona relevant? * What feature oppotunities are particulary valuable to this use type? * What chararistics must the design have to be suitabke for this user type?(design imperatives) * Don't say "easy to use" * 次のお題は * User type or role * Inerview users to collect information * Be "sciency" to collect valuable information: * Don't ask leading questions * Ask your interviwee to recall a specific ... * 参加者をクラスタリング * 子供の数 * 持ってかえって食べる/ファーストフードが好き or 座って食べたい? * 属性の違う人同士で、最近のレストラン経験を話す * CMEグループの人と話した。RationalのRUPを使っているがアジャイルにシフトできないかと知りにきたとのこと。 * ペルソナを書いてみる * 4 Core Concepts for Fast user Feedback * Hugh Bayer: beyer@incontextdesign.com * Base technique of Agile * Rapid Iteration, with Feedback and adjustment * But, where does the feedbacks come from? * Base Principle fo real user feedback * Real user feedback * Doesn't come from product owners * Doesn't come from stakeholders * Doesn't come from user surrogates * Doesn't come from people who used to be users * Doesn't come from demos * Doesn't come from focus groups * 状況をセットしてしまっているので。 * Real user feedback comes from users * Based on apprenticeship * Context * Go where the work is happening * Talk to users while they work * Partership * They know, you don't * Let them lead * Interpretation * Discover the meaning and intent behind the users' actions * "Maybe yes" とかいってもだいたい No だったりする。 * Share your interpretations * Focus * Listen from a clear intent * Refine your understanding * Typical Agile Situations * Structure of a project * UX work during development interleaved with other dev work * 1. Leaning about the next task * 2. Designing the next set of UIs * 3. Testing the last iteration * やはりここでも Iteration を ソフトウェア側と UX側でクロスさせる話。 * Agile は、時間を組み合わせるだけのためのものか...それはそれで有効だけど。 * 1st Problem: Understand a task * Exercise: Discover work practices * Retrospective account: 10 mins * Retrospectives account of how materials were used to plan yesterday * May have happend in multiple episodes * Start with "When did you first ..." * ... switch interviewers ... * Ongoing work: 10 mins * Plan attendance for next session or day * Use conference program guide or user's own artifacts * 隣のEricとした話 * Speaker の twitter アイコンがあったらいいよね。 * 2nd Problem: Design a UI * Paper prototypes for iterating an interface * Context * Replay the user's work * Modify the prototype to reflect the user's context * Partnership * Discuss changes to the design as you go * Make the changes in the prototype immediatory * Interpretation * Discover the intent behind changes * Other design changes to better address the intent * Focus * Focus evolves - function and structure in initial interviews. UI details later * Exercise: Paper prototype: 10 min * Mock up a website * from Feedbacks * どんな変(stupid)なアイデアも捨てるな。 * 名刺を集めた Hugh Buyer